Part of The Cosmic Series 2021 - Part 2: Super Full Moon 1 & Pluto Retrograde
By Micheala Anggono
In-House Practitioner
The Golden Space Indonesia

Congratulations Cosmic Lovers! We have made it through the first quarter of 2021!
After a fiery trip through Aries Stellium, now we are entering the beginning of Taurus season. Four celestial bodies; The Sun, Venus, Mercury, and Uranus are entering Taurus earthy territory. This energetic shift from Yang to Ying will be asking us to slow down and ground in all changes and plans we made during New Moon in Aries on 12 April 2021. This first new moon of the astrological year has waking up our Solar Plexus, giving some masculine energy to fire up our life force. An expansion of masculinity that will be balanced with Feminine energy at the end of the month from Super Full Moon. Such a beautiful merging energy we are having on the first Super Full Moon in 2021!
Grounding in Taurus Earthy Energy
Starting on 15th April, romantic Venus enters its ruling sign of Taurus. When Venus at its home, prepare for some intimate and pleasurable experiences. Relationship and money might give us some work to reflect upon in this season as they are the major part that will be affected by Venus energy, but no need to be worry as Taurus is a zodiac sign that gives more settling grounded energy, where we can use this timing to absorb and indulge the present moment even more.
The Sun and Mercury will also follow entering Taurus on 19th and 20th April. Mercury the planet of communication will help us to be more confident in our decision-making skills as Taurus will also giving a responsible act in any conclusion we are going to make. And when The Sun enters Taurus, we will solidify even more for our plans and action. The Sun that represents each personality will play into Taurus ‘stubborn’ nature. Once we decide to do something, there’s nothing that can hold us back, our mind and heart will be dancing to action!
Powerful Super Full Moon & Pluto Retrograde; 26th April 2021
With Super Full Moon opens in time with Pluto Retrograde at the end of the month, our emotions will be heightened up! Full Moons are all about completion, a moment in time where The Sun, Moon, and Earth are lining up and create culmination energy. And when a Full Moon becomes Super Full Moon, it means the moon is reaching the closest position to Earth and looks bigger on us, giving more intense impact.
This means the more powerful and passionate Scorpio will spotlight our deepest and hidden secret. Scorpio is a zodiac sign that has an intense energy source and love to dig deep. Pluto on the other hand rules the same process of metamorphosis and transformation energy like Scorpio. These dynamic duo of cosmic alignment are giving a sign to breakthrough our hidden emotion and overcome our limitation, something that we are resisting to feel and overcome. So if you have any hidden emotion that has been with you but you are too afraid to express it, this is the time to reveal your hidden secret and acknowledge your true desire!
Secrecy is often linked with anxiety, stress, fear, shame and guilt. All these insecure symptoms can lead to harmful and poor well-being. Hiding secrets is a hard work, we have to be on guard, watch what to say, and not slip up. If this is not stressed enough for you, hiding a secret is making us deny ourselves and become a person we are not. The problem might be not coming from hiding the secret, the real problem is we have to live with the secret and the denial about ourselves! It takes deep strength and courage to show our authentic selves, but the freedom and joy we have when we become who we truly are is totally worth it!
Love & Magic,