Get ready to discover who you truly are

"Awaken ~ The Divine You"®
Do you know who you truly are within, besides just a normal human being?
Why are you on Planet Earth this lifetime and what is your ultimate life-purpose here?
Are you aware of the evolution which is currently happening to earth and humanity?
Most of us can feel that time seems to be flying so fast, yet our clocks and watches seem to be ticking away as per normal. Have you realized your own personal self, amazing powers and potentials lying untapped deep within you ~ waiting to be discovered?

Master Umesh H. Nandwani [B.Msc, CSMC] is an International, Metaphysical, Spiritual Master Trainer, Reiki Master Healer, Life-transformation Advisor and Certified Stress Management Consultant. He has been meditating since young and has had numerous miracles happen to him. He was aware that there was something more to life. This sense of missing something of incompleteness led him to his quest of knowing his purpose here. After years of searching for answers and undertaking spiritual practices, he experienced an intense awakening and came to a realization that he was here on a mission to serve and inspire humanity to evolve to a higher spiritual level. He designed the “AWAKEN ~ THE DIVINE YOU”® program to help people reach enlightenment, self-realization, being healthy, happy and successful in life.
Course Outline

Meditation is a non-religious, universal, ancient proven art and practice – a path towards self-realization, enlightenment and self mastery. It is also a natural way to relax, release stress, re-focus and quiet our mind, thoughts and emotions – making it a very useful tool in today’s fast paced and demanding stressful life.
Meditation fundamentals, techniques and tools
Different ways of breathing and how to focus
Self energy awareness and profound energy connections
The art and benefits of visualization and unconditional love
How to enhance your intuition and attract abundance in your life
How to connect to your third eye

DAY 2 & 3
Basic level of self-discovery, understanding general life and tools required for a balanced life.
Who am I? Why are we on Earth this lifetime?
Energy dynamics awareness
Connecting to your inner Spirit-self being
Understanding your inner-self and outer-self
The understanding and application of success in life (Removal of physical, mental and emotional blockages)
Positive psychology application (complete positive empowerment covering the mind, body, soul and emotions)
How to make correct choices consciously (overcoming ignorance, attachment and egoism)
Apply psychic protections (against negativity and all forms of psychic attack)
Learning to self-heal with love, light and forgiveness – Part 1
Creation of abundance in your life (using the positive power of intents and affirmations)

DAY 4 & 5
Higher-level of self-discovery (One’s true-self divinity) with new techniques and tools creating more success and abundance to cope better in life and for yourself and your loved ones.
Believe and trust
Deeper connection with your inner-self/empowerment (overcoming duality, new perspective and breathwork)
Energy and 7-Chakras levels activation and awareness
Higher level of psychic protections
Deeper soul cleansing (Energy alignment, inner-strength and guidance)
Creating more balance in life (action with self-awareness)
Empowerment by Grace (Higher connection with Divine Source)
Grounding of energy (Practical exercises to focus on higher energies)
More about healing and self-healing – Part 2 (etheric healing tools)
Healing your partner / client
Distant healing

DAY 6 & 7
A stage to become a Self-Master with more esoteric and life reality learning.
9-levels Chakras activation and higher level spiritual cleansing
Keeping balance between physical reality and spiritual reality
Discipline: Code of conduct for Lightworkers / Greeting your fellow beings
Meeting your Angel Guides and connecting to Higher Ascended Masters
Deeper level heart chakra activation, cleansing, healing and empowerment
Third eye higher level activation – Part 1 (Activation, projection to send love and healing energy)
Past life regression (awareness and practice)
Connecting to Mother Nature and Mother Earth
Energy purification of water and food before consumption
Psychic protection of personal effects
Group healing
* All programs are Non-religious & Universal.
* Social Distancing & Health Protocols will be observed at all times

What our students say
21 - 27 FEBRUARY 2025